How to start using ORION network
In order to use the information network of 3 Okazaki institutes ( known as ORION ), several registration procedures are required.
Registration for the ORION2022 Authentication System requires connection to the campus network, so please ask the administrators of your group or department to register your account.
1.User Registration to the ORION Authentication System (Get Email Address)… ORION Primary Authentication System 2024 manages the accounts and terminals for using the ORION network.
To register as a user, you will be required to provide information on your affiliation and room. The person in charge will enter this information into the system, so please consult with him/her to complete the registration process.
If your application is approved, you will be notified (in writing or orally) of your initial password by the person in charge. You will be asked to change the initial password by yourself later (in Step 3), but until then, please keep it secret from others.
*The ORION Primary Authentication System is explained on this page. It is not available for viewing at this stage, but please check it out after you have completed your authentication.
2.Terminal registration to the ORION Authentication System ( Connect PCs, etc. to the internal network)… Following user registration, ask the person in charge to register your PC or other terminals. In addition to the host name and MAC address, the manufacturer and model name are also required.
Along with registration in the system, a check list (in writing) must be submitted. (Click the button on the right to download) Since the items are to be reviewed and checked off with the administrator, the list should be filled in while looking at the actual terminal, and finally, the administrator and the user should sign their own names and submit the list to the network administrator in each department.
After the application is approved, the registered terminal will be able to connect to the internal network.
*For more information see. ▶ ORION2022 [Register for a host or account]
3.Register for Google 2-step verification process … In 3 Okazaki Institutes, we have implemented Google Workspace service, so please have the email address and initial password you received in Step 1 ready at hand and register for your Google account.
Registration requires communication to the external Internet; if you wish to perform the registration work on your own terminal registered in Step 2, please have your department administrator or other person temporarily set up your terminal to allow external communication.
For instructions on how to register for Google Account 2-step verification, please refer to "The first step you need to do when you receive your account information" on this page.
*We are licensed with Google Workspace for Education Plus (the highest level plan for educational institutions). To take full advantage of the services and security features, we recommend using Chrome as the browser and the Gmail application on Chrome for email. Basically manuals and other information are prepared for Chrome users.
4.Register for ORION Authentication … The ORION2022 network requires user authentication in a variety of situations. It reduces the workload on users by centrally managing authentication for external communications, VPN communications, and various network services.
ORION Authentication, like Google, uses multi-factor authentication. The user's identity is verified using the user's own smartphone or a security key called FIDO (which can be lent free of charge if desired). Please refer to the PDF below to complete the authentication registration. Once the authentication is completed, you will be able to connect to the external Internet.
*If another user, such as your administrator, has temporarily authenticated to Captive Portal on your behalf, he/she can manually revoke that authentication. Please use the tool on this page to manually revoke authentication.
↗Click the upper right arrow to open the PDF file.

5.Switch and confirm Google's authentication method … Connect Google account with ORION2022 authentication. ORION2022 authentication uses SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) authentication, which supports SSO (Single Sign On), so after the switch in this step, there is no need to authenticate separately, and Google authentication will pass with ORION authentication alone. (Google's login screen will no longer appear) Please refer to the PDF below to complete the authentication switchover.
↗Click the upper right arrow to open the PDF file.

◆You are now ready to use the ORION2022 network. Let's check if you can access both the internal pages and external sites without any problems.
If you are connecting via wireless LAN, please refer to this page: Use ORION Wireless LAN
After confirming that the network is activated, be sure to install security software: Distribution of security software FortiEDR
◆In addition to this site, the Okazaki Information and Communication Office also provides useful information on network use and security improvement at the following staff-only sites. Once user authentication is completed, you will be able to view all of these sites, so please visit them to confirm that the network is working properly. In particular, the ORION119 website contains the latest information and alerts on information security. Be sure to check it regularly.
◆If you have any questions or concerns, please do not make decisions on your own, but consult with the person in charge of your group, the administrator of your department, or the staff of the Okazaki Information and Communication Office.
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